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By Nilay Gupta

New Analyzers for IntelOwl.

New Analyzers for IntelOwl.


As an engineer, I'm always on the lookout for interesting projects and products. One such project that caught my eye was Honeynet's IntelOwl Project. I'll keep this blog short and crisp, elucidating all my contributions since then.

Pre-GSOC Commits/Discussions

PR NumberTitle
#2209Tweet feedsfixes#1770
#2178Fixes bgp ranking#1901
#2126Feodo tracker#1103
#2164Misp, closes #1955
#2161Pinning image version of Phoneinfoga Analyzer
#2148Boolean toggle
#2108Zippy_scan closes #1951
#2096Update, Closes #439
#2080Mmdb server, closes #1779
#19fixed Scroll Bar Appearance

As can be noticed, my contributions were pretty heavy on developing and fixing analyzers. Inevitably, the project I chose was developing New Analyzers for IntelOwl.

In my proposal, I proposed to develop around 30 new analyzers for the community of IntelOwl users.

GSoC Deliverables and Tasks

As anticipated, my proposal was selected, and I was assigned the project. One of my mentors, and the owner of IntelOwl, Matteo Lodi, created a GitHub Project/Kanban board. All individual issues solved, pull requests and commits cab be accessed using the board.

I'll now proceed to elaborate on all the significant PRs mentioned.

Ending Note and Next Steps

GSoC has been a hell of a ride for me. At first glance, implementing a new analyzer seems to be an easy task and, in fact, it is pretty easy. The real challenge starts when one has to develop and test multiple of them in parallel. The current framework for analyzer development is really smooth for one-at-a-time approach but things get really intricate and tricky while working on a handful of them at the same time. Migration issues, dependency management, database integrity are a few topics that scratch the surface. Re-building the project from scratch every-time you switch to develop another analyzer is surely an option but its time taking and to deliver an avg of 3 analyzers per week requires quicker solutions, plus, I'm too impatient for it :P As a beginner in the tech world, I came across a huge load of challenges as I proceeded with each analyzer in the project. Navigating through unforeseeable bugs, git conflicts, packages becoming unmaintainable, etc helped me grow exponentially as a developer. All this experience has helped me understand the importance of OSINT in cybersecurity; how my contributions are a tiny but impactful effort in making the world a safer pace.

I'm always eager to work on new ideas and features in this project. I hope that I'm able to make time to contribute more to the project in the future and give back to the community as much as I can. Thanks to my mentors, Matteo Lodi and Daniel Rosetti for their continuous support and making this GSoC a worthwhile experience, thankyou IntelOwl :)